
To Force Into Form Regardless

SFO arrivals eyeshine California queen coup’d Posed in latent summer When it mattered most To see and be seen to be carefree All this thrashing about Grind now, grind later Pale shoulders


It's sad It's taken So long to write this. So long the tight fists Of psychic pain clamp shut Applying pressure to a wound. To keep as much inside To keep from gushing

Coin de Lumière

Je me réveille tôt Huileux de mes rêves creux Le soleil brule Mais le lit est frais Dans mon petit coin Je me lève Quand je pense que je peux Mon esprit palpite

The Machinist

All foundries and fact'ries will work overtime To fire every ingot and further refine To melt it and smelt it and make it all clean I stopped up a delta to build a

Ego Ex Nihilo

when its dark i like to look at myself my self in the mirror and trace my shape so featureless so full of potential i feel so full of light of life of